Business Applications

It seems like every business has a series of inefficient paper processes that just don't need to be that way. These problems are often not solved because the business owner sees the solution as being prohibitively expensive. In most cases we would say that owner is right. But Infusix has years of experience developing lean simple solutions to common line of business problems. Our business applications have had successful deployments in many industries nationwide. We have created point of sale systems, financial reports based on existing data sources, reservation systems, inventory management systems and other business process automation. Infusix can analyze your business processes and recommend ways in which our services could pay for themselves in improved productivity in short order.


Casino Gaming

We have years of experience in the Casino Gaming environment. We have served the number one casino on the east coast for years and indeed our work has been a solid part of that success. Our back of house support products have reduced staffing costs, undercut other vendors and have improved customer service in ways not previously thought possible. Our front of house products have been beautifully designed and have operated reliably for years. We’ve been around seemingly every idea in Slot Dispatch, Food Service, Property Maintenance and more. We’ve seen what works, and what doesn’t and can help your organization turn into a lean, revenue generating, happy customer producing machine.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a surprisingly complicated thing. Everyone can send an email. Everyone can send the same email to multiple people. But a good email is personalized and individualized for a particular customer. A good email has control groups and specialized targeting in order to evaluate the marketing effectiveness of a campaign. Many outside services such as Constant Contact or MailChimp can handle a bulk of the effort involved for things like this but they often leave your hands tied when it comes to the final customizability. Infusix can help you get a grip on your mail options. We are not afraid to completely design your mail system for you and we're not afraid to recommend an outside service when it makes sense. We'll help you navigate the sea of current laws regarding spam as well as show you proven methods to avoid being marked as a spammer. Infusix has the expertise to help you integrate email into your daily operations such as mailing list signups, emails sent to customers after completing specific actions onsite (an email welcome after signing up in person for instance) and actionable results in your system from clicking links in emails. Let us know what your emailing needs are and we can help send you down the path to success.



We’ve developed many kiosks over the years so we know the ins and outs of which platforms work best, how to lock them down and how to get the best performance. We understand that it’s not the steak, it’s the sizzle and we can deliver to give your customers the best kiosk experience possible. Our kiosk software is in use with multiple clients and are known to be rock solid reliable.


Infusix can develop mobile applications for you both in Swift and on Android via Java or C#. We have many mobile applications under our belt. When coupled with our extremely deep backend experience we can architect and deliver a total mobile solution, not just the frontend or backend.


Web Cloud & Ecommerce

From Wordpress to Drupal to PHP to ASP.NET Mvc, Infusix can do it all for you on the web. Our web development experience includes online gaming, administrative dashboards, customer login areas, frontend websites and more. We can develop and maintain even the most complex and unique web applications.

Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery is not just a concept. It's a set of scripts, services, packages and most importantly verification. Allow us to develop your holistic disaster recovery solution so that you can breathe easy.


We create delightful digital experiences.

Read more about what we do and our capabilities. Judge for yourself The work and results we’ve achieved for other clients. We love nothing more than to create amazing solutions.

software development it service & support